Healthcare Strategic Accounts Council
The Healthcare Strategic Accounts Council (HSAC) is dedicated to improving effectiveness within the healthcare supply chain specifically for companies who work with group purchasing organizations and health systems. Bringing together strategic accounts executives responsible for those corporate relationships, the council provides forums that allow these leaders to exchange ideas and identify best practices.
Do you currently work with GPOs?
Yes! Council participation can strengthen your relationship and make it more efficient and effective. Healthcare Strategic Accounts Council members share best practices, participate in educational activities, and network with others responsible for their company’s relationships with GPOs, purchasing coalitions, and health systems.
Not at this time. The council can help you evaluate the value of GPO relationships, and help you initiate those relationships if you choose to. Healthcare Strategic Accounts Council offers the education and networking with GPOs that you need to grow your market share.
Healthcare Strategic Accounts Council is the group focusing on the relationship between your company, GPOs, and IDNs. Members include manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and service providers.
Participation is ideal for suppliers and manufacturers of all sizes – we’d like to add you! Healthcare Strategic Accounts Council membership dues are designed to make your decision easier.