AMS Program Guidelines

Getting Started

Participants can use the AMS Sales Training Program to earn and maintain the Accredited in Medical Sales credential, or simply as a training resource to augment other training. Either way, it starts with creating a unique user name and password.

Earning AMS Accreditation

To become AMS-accredited, you’ll need to pass a comprehensive AMS exam based on your customized 12-course Core Curriculum.

If your company is an AMS licensee and you don’t have your own AMS login information yet, contact HIDA to get started:

Callie Barthel

Callie Barthel
Director, Associates Program

Taking Courses

Selecting your Core Curriculum
The first step is to select your Core Curriculum courses. On the Select Your Core Curriculum page you will designate the 12 courses you will study to earn AMS accreditation – your customized Core Curriculum. Go to the Select Your Core Curriculum page»

You may change your selections at any time before you take the exam. The AMS exam you take will include questions based on all 12 courses in your selected Core Curriculum.

Preparing for the AMS exam
To prepare for the AMS exam, you should read and study each of your selected Core Curriculum courses. The progress checks in each course are helpful for exam preparation. In addition, you can test your mastery using the online prep tests that accompany each course.
Review the Exam Preparation page»

Registering to take the AMS exam

Online testing for individual candidates
The AMS exam is administered online at scheduled testing dates and times. (View the scheduled dates) To sign up for a scheduled exam, go to the AMS exam registration page and fill out all of the required fields and click “submit”. Your exam will be scheduled and confirmed within 3 working days. Please register at least two weeks prior to the testing date.
Go to the Registration page»

Online testing for sales teams
HIDA’s staff can also work with licensee companies to schedule additional exam times to suit the needs of specific sales teams. To do so, a company manager or trainer must contact at least one month prior to the desired test date, and exam registrations must be completed online for each candidate no less than 2 weeks prior to the test date.

Proctoring requirements for online testing
All online testing requires an in-person proctor to monitor the exam process and the candidate or his/her manager may arrange for proctoring. The proctor may be a company manager, supervisor, trainer, or a member of the HR staff. A proctor may not be a family member or co-worker. HIDA must approve the proctor choice and reserves the right to contact proctors and to reject requests for a specific proctor. See the Administrator Guidelines page»  and the Proctor Info & Agreement form»

The proctor must visually monitor the exam-taker(s) while they are taking the exam. The proctor’s role is to ensure the integrity of the testing process by verifying:

  • The identity of the exam candidate
  • That the exam is taken without use of course materials, notes, or use of online resources
  • That the exam content remains confidential
  • That the test is working properly and Internet connectivity is maintained

Taking the exam
To take the AMS exam online, candidates will log on to the HIDA AMS website using their regular ID and password. The exam will be available for 90 minutes total, only during the scheduled exam time frame. The exam includes 84 multiple-choice questions. The candidate automatically receives his or her grade after completing the exam. A passing grade is 72% or higher.

Retaking the exam
Candidates who do not pass the exam may apply to retest by completing the online exam registration again and submitting a $99 retesting fee. A minimum four-week period is required between exam attempts to allow each candidate to adequately review the material before retesting. To protect exam-takers’ privacy, HIDA publishes only the names of candidates who pass the exam and does not publish the names of those who do not.

Maintaining AMS Accreditation

Earning AMS points
You must earn 5 AMS points each year to maintain your AMS designation. Extra points do not roll over from one year to the next. This ensures that accredited reps stay current and continuously seek opportunities to increase their competence through professional education.
See the Earn AMS Points page»

Passing the AMS exam earns accreditation for one year beginning February 1 or July 1 following the exam, whichever comes first. For instance, if you pass the AMS exam in April, your accreditation will remain valid until July of the following year; you must earn your first 5 points by this date in order to maintain your accreditation.

Ways to earn AMS points for continuing accreditation

  • AMS courses: Courses on the AMS website can be used to earn AMS points. To earn the point, log on to the AMS website, study the course, and take the online test for that course. A passing score of 75% is required for credit. If you fail the test, you may study the course further and take the test again.
    • Each course is worth 1 AMS point.
    • Courses studied in your AMS Core Curriculum may not be repeated for AMS points.
  • HIDA Streamlining Healthcare Conference: Education sessions at the HIDA Streamlining Healthcare Conference qualify for AMS points. An AMS professional can earn the full 5 points required for the year at the conference. To receive points, AMS-holders must fill out an evaluation form for each session and include their name and company on the form.
    Find out about the HIDA Streamlining Healthcare Expo and Business Exchange»
  • HIDA-approved training programs: HIDA can approve other training programs for credit on a case-by-base basis. To request credit, submit the AMS Point Approval Form and provide proof of attendance. The program content must be relevant to healthcare sales. HIDA has sole authority to determine whether a program qualifies for AMS points.
    Download the AMS Point Approval Form»
  • HIDA webinars: HIDA offers webinars on a variety of topics and most are eligible for AMS points. All webinars are free to AMS licensees. View HIDA Webinars»

Lapse of accreditation
If you fail to earn the required 5 AMS points by the deadline you will lose your accreditation, and all rights and privileges associated with this distinction will be revoked. If you cannot complete the point requirement by the deadline, you may, in extenuating circumstances, request an extension during which AMS point requirements will continue to accrue. If accreditation lapses without a request for extension, you must retake the AMS exam to become accredited again. Contact for further information.

Also see: AMS Frequently Asked Questions

Contact HIDA

Rosemarie Bundoc
Senior Manager, Virtual and Continuing Education 


What courses can I take to earn points for my accreditation renewal?

To earn AMS points, you can take any non-archived course you haven't already taken. You can also...[more]

Must I buy the AMS Sales Training Program in order to take the AMS exam?

The AMS exam is available to employees of AMS licensee companies only.

How should I prepare for the exam?

In addition to reading, studying, and reviewing each course in your curriculum, particularly helpful are...[more]

Can I take the practice tests more than once?

Sure, you can take them multiple times. Since test questions change...[more]

Can we receive credit for non-HIDA training programs?

Yes. HIDA can approve other training programs for credit on a case-by-case basis. To request credit...[more]

What is the format of the exam and what does it cover?

While the exam format is always multiple choice, content is...[more]

When should we register for the AMS exam?

Please email exam applications two weeks before test date. To request a date...[more]

What is the fee to take the AMS exam?

Exams are free for candidates from companies with current AMS Sales Training licenses, however...[more]

Who can serve as my exam proctor?

Ideally, your direct manager or training manager will be your exam proctor. If that person is not available...[more]

Can I consult notes during the exam?

No. The AMS honor code states that AMS candidates may not refer to notes, check online resources, or receive...[more]

What happens if I fail the exam?

Retakes are available, subject to a waiting period and retest fee...[more]

May I get a copy of my test to see where I made errors?

To protect the integrity of the AMS exam over time, HIDA does not...[more]

If I retake the exam, are the questions the same?

The exam format and the content covered are the same every time, but the exact questions vary to ensure...[more]

How do I maintain AMS accreditation?

AMS accreditation is active for at least one year after the date when you pass the AMS exam. After that...[more]

Can I get my accreditation back once it lapses?

To regain accreditation, you have two choices. You may either...[more]